02/14/2022 Hearing Results
The Monday, February 14th, meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission was held at the MBPZ Conference Room. The hearing began at 1:30 p.m. The administrative pre-meeting began at 12:00 p.m.
The results of the hearing are as follows:
01447 Forsyth St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modifications, HR-3 District | The Sign Store/Jennifer Smith, applicant | withdrawn
01447 Forsyth St | Conditional use | to allow a professional office, HR-3 District | Terin Smith, applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Jones 2nd)
01625 Bass Rd | Conditional use | to allow a tutoring center in an existing building, C-4 District | Ruckers Right, Inc., applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Jones 2nd)
02455 Emery Hwy | Conditional use | to allow live entertainment at an existing bar and grill, C-4 District | Regina Smith, applicant | Denied ( Bechtel 1st, Rogers 2nd)
02475 Heath Rd | Conditional use | to allow additional architectural plans than those previously approved, PDR District | WJH,LLC/Century Complete, applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Jones 2nd)
03790 Walden Rd | Conditional use | to allow additional architectural plans than those previously approved,, R-1AAA/PDC District | WJH,LLC/Century Complete, applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Jones 2nd)
04725 Northside Dr | Conditional use | to allow a dance studio, C-5 District | Jane Madison, applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Jones 2nd)
04987 Bloomfield Rd | Conditional use | to allow a grocery with alcohol package to go and fuel sales, PDC District | Ashok Patel/Kunj Construction USA, applicant | Approved ( Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)
05591 Thomaston Rd | Variance | in sign requirements, C-4 District | Shawn Smith, applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Jones 2nd)
06101 Thomaston Rd | Conditional use | to allow additional architectural plans than those previously approved, PDE District | WJH LLC/Century Complete, applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Jones 2nd)
Agenda Item From January 24, 2022
00283 Grant Ave | Conditional use | to allow a community center, R-3 District | Mya Cullins, applicant | Approved (Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)
02860 Bloomfield Dr | Conditional use | to allow a used auto dealership, C-2 District | Jamilla Brown, applicant | Approved (Scott 1st, Jones 2nd)