P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


02/18/2019 DRB Hearing Results

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Approval of February 4, 2019 Minutes – Approved 3:0

00317 Corbin Avenue | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow modifications to an existing accessory building, HR-1 District | Roscoe Sandlin, Applicant | Found appropriate as submitted, 3:0

00396 Second Street (aka 396 Cherry St)| Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modifications, CBD-1 District |Todd D. Miles, Applicant | Applicant to return on 03/04/2019 with proposal for the walk-up window; sign, appropriate, cylindrical can lights appropriate-color of lighting is not appropriate, continuous LED bands on cornice appropriate, banners (flags) appropriate, applicant to appear before MBPZ Commission on 02/25/2019 regarding LED strips, ropes, and flat screen,3:0

00524  Mulberry Street| Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modification (painting) and wall signage, CBD-1 District | La Bella Morelia /Christina Ramirez Marin, applicant| consensus on appropriateness of painting the previously unpainted stucco wall; 3:0 approval of proposed signage. Robinson recused on the discussion of painting the wall.

00910  High Street| Certificate of Appropriateness | to change in roofing material, HR-1 District | Debra R. McMahon, Applicant | Architectural or metal shingles found to be appropriate, 3:0.

00948 Ash Street| Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow design and material approval of landscaping/hard scape, HPD-BH District | Argo Moore Landscapes, Applicant| Appropriate as submitted, 3:0.

00964 Georgia Avenue | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow a rear addition, HR-3 District | William A. Stanford/ BTBB Architects, Applicant| Consensus of appropriate as submitted.