P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


08/23/2021 Hearing Results

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The Monday, August 23rd, meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission was held at the MBPZ Conference Room. The hearing began at 1:30 p.m. The administrative pre-meeting began at 12:00 p.m.

Minutes from previous zoning hearing approved.

1. 00555 First St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modifications, CBD-1 District, Flex Kabuye, applicant | | Approved (Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)

2. 01365 Linden Ave (1305 Linden Ave) | Conditional use | to allow a theatre with food/drinks, C-1 District, Carl Fambro, applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Scott 2nd)

3. 01471 Jackson St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modifications, HPD-BH District, Flex Kabuye, applicant | Approved (Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)

4. 03790 Walden Rd | Conditional use | to allow a 94 lot detached cluster development (Phase 3, Quail Ridge), R-1AAA district, Jeff Royal/Madison Development Co., LLC, applicant | Approved (Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)

5. 03843 Bloomfield RConditional use | to allow a neighborhood grocery with fuel, PDC-District, Chaitali Patel/3743 Bloomfield LLC., applicant | Deferred to 9-13-21

6. 04374, 04358, 04326 Riverside Dr | Rezoning | from Ag-Agricultural District to R-2 – Two Family Residential District to allow for seven (7) 40 – unit 4 story apartment buildings consisting of 280 units, Charlie Hand/Jim Rollins, applicant | Approved (Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)

7. 04374, 04358, 04326 Riverside Dr | Conditional use | to allow seven 40-unit apartment buildings, Ag-District (R-2-District pending), Charlie Hand/Jim Rollins, applicant | Approved (Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)

8. 04987 Bloomfield Rd | Rezoning | from R-1, Single-Family Residential District to PDC, Planned Development Commercial to allow a grocery store with fuel sales and tenant space, Ashok Patel/Kunj Construction, applicant | Deferred to 9-13-21

9. 05530 Riverside Dr | Conditional use | to allow a 276-unit multi-family development, PDE District, Jud Hall /Hillpointe LLC, applicant | Approved (Scott 1st, Bechtel 2nd)