P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


02/24/2020 Hearing Agenda

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The Monday, February 24, 2020 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission will be held in the MBPZ Conference Room, Terminal Station | 200 Cherry Street, Suite 300 beginning at 1:30 p.m. The administrative meeting begins at noon.

Administrative meeting agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Review of Agenda Items
  3. New Business
  4. Old Business
  5. Adjourn

Hearing Agenda

1. 01073 Ash St | Certificate of Appropriateness |  to allow design approval of covered porch addition, HPD-BH District | Dave & Emily Elsworth, applicant | Moved to ratification 

2. 03555 Mercer University Dr | Conditional use | for nightclub/live entertainment at an existing restaurant, C-2 District | Heaven Restaurant /Andre Williams, applicant

3. 03969 River Place Dr | Conditional use | to allow a 92 room 4-story hotel, C-2 District | James Baggett, applicant

4. 04320 Mercer University Dr | Conditional use | for a c-store with fuel sales & alcohol-package-to-go, C-1 District | Cunningham & Company Engineers, applicant

5. 04701 Hartley Bridge Rd | Conditional use | to allow a car wash, PDE District |  Cunningham & Company Engineers, applicant

6. 05429 Bowman Rd | Conditional use | to add one (1) dwelling unit, PDE District | Lofts at Bass II LLC/Jim Daws, applicant

7. 05801 Zebulon Rd | Conditional use | to allow six (6) additional dwelling units, PDE District | Lofts at Zebulon/Jim Daws, applicant

8. 06751 Houston Rd | Conditional use |  to allow preschool at an existing church, A-Ag District | Mikado Baptist Church, applicant | Moved to ratification 

9. 07450 Hawkinsville Rd | Rezoning | A-Ag, Agricultural District to M-2, Heavy Industrial District | for a portable sanitation business | A-Ok Portables & Waste Services/Lee Insley, applicant

10. 07450 Hawkinsville Rd | Conditional use | for a portable sanitation and trash transfer station, A-Ag District [M-2 pending] | A-Ok Portables & Waste Services/Lee Insley, applicant

Deferred from previous hearings

11. 05801/5811 Zebulon Rd | Conditional Use | to allow restaurant with drive-thru, PDE District | Cunningham & Company/Cleve Cunningham, applicant