P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


03/08/2021 Hearing Agenda

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The Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a public hearing via Zoom on Monday, March 08, 2021 at 1:30 p.m.
If you will be speaking to the Zoning Commission, you will need to pre–register onlineuntil Friday 3:30pm prior to the Monday’s hearing.
Go to MBPZ’s YouTube Channel to view the live stream.
(If joining remotely: Commission board members, applicants & meeting speakers will receive Zoom access credentials via email one hour prior to the start of the hearing.)

Administrative meeting agenda
  1. Call to order
  2. Review of Agenda Items
  3. New Business
  4. Old Business
  5. Adjourn
Hearing Agenda

1. 00672 Monroe St | Certificate of Appropriateness |  to allow rehabilitation of existing structure, HR-3 District | Tripp Glawson, applicant | Recommended for Ratification 

2. 01485, 1491,1511, 1521, 1610 Wesleyan Dr | Rezoning | from Ag-Agricultural District to PDR, Planned Development Resolution to allow fifty (50) independent living units | Double Eagle Associates, LLC., applicant 

3. 01485, 1491, 1511, 1521, 1610 Wesleyan Dr | Conditional use |  to allow fifty (50) independent living units, Ag- Agricultural District [PDR pending], | Double Eagle Associates, applicant

4. 05471 Thomaston Rd | Variance |  to allow a directional sign with a height greater than 2.5 FT, C-4 District | John Wesley Villas, Inc., applicant | Recommended for Ratification 

5. 06979,7111,7250, 7179, 7189, Cochran Field Rd / 02300 Walden Rd | Rezoning | from M-1, Wholesale and Light Industrial District to M-3, Heavy Industrial District to allow an Industrial Park | Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority/Wayne Crowley, applicant

6. 07081 Peake Rd N | Conditional use |  to allow a three story sixty (60) unit age restricted multi-family complex, PDE District | Kathleen Mathews/In-Fill Housing, Inc., applicant | Deferred to 3/22/21 at Applicant’s Request 

7. 07081 Peake Rd N | Variance |  in parking requirements for 60-unit, age restricted multi-family complex, PDE District | Kathleen Mathews/In-Fill Housing, Inc., applicant | Deferred to 3/22/21 at Applicant’s Request 


Items From Previously Approved Agenda

8. 01182 Calhoun St | Conditional use | to allow revisions to previously approved conditions for a restaurant with alcohol consumed on premises, catering kitchen, and event space,  HPD-BH District | Robert Fisher/Fishers Fabulous Food, LLC, applicant
9. 00320, 334 and 342 Hydrolia St/00310, 328 and 334 Main St | Certificate of Appropriateness |  to allow design approval of site, design and materials to allow shopping center includes demolition of 2 structures,  CBD-2 District | Ashok Patel/Kunj Construction, applicant | Deferred to 4/12/21 at Applicant’s Request 
10. 00320, 334 and 342 Hydrolia St/00310, 328 and 334 Main St | Conditional use |  to allow a shopping center, CBD-2 District | Ashok Patel/Kunj Construction, applicant | Deferred to 4/12/21 at Applicant’s Request