03/26/2018 Hearing Agenda
NOTICE: The Monday, March 26, 2018, meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission will be held in the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission Conference Room, 200 Cherry Street (Terminal Station) Suite 300 (Third Floor), beginning at 1:30 p.m.
The Pre-meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission will be held in the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission Conference Room, 200 Cherry Street (Terminal Station) Suite 300 (Third Floor), beginning at 12:00 p.m. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss any administrative business and to obtain information from staff regarding scheduled agenda items.
Approval of March 12, 2018, meeting minutes
1. 4901 HARRISON ROAD: Conditional use to allow an assisted living facility, C-4 District. Lorna Viceda, Applicant
2. 4760 FORSYTH ROAD: Conditional use to allow a daycare center, R-1AAA District. Charity Benevolent Fund Learning Center/Larry Manuel, Applicant
3. 985 PLANT STREET: Conditional use to allow approval of previously approved conceptual site plan for Phase IV of a multifamily development, PDR District. George S. Greer, Applicant
4. 2515 ROCKY CREEK ROAD: Conditional use to allow a community wellness center as an ancillary use at a church, R-1A District. George Greer, Applicant
5. 100 SOUTH HERON STREET: Conditional use to allow a c-store with fuel sales and alcohol package to go, C-2 District. Cunningham & Company, Applicant
6. 324 COWAN STREET: Conditional use to allow a multi-message billboard, C-4 District. George Greer/Church Street Developers, LLC., Applicant
7. 2025 WARD STREET: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of the subdivision of one lot into two lots, HR-3 District. Bonnie F. Hinson dba BUBS, LLC., Applicant
8. 423 SPRING STREET: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of exterior modifications, HR-2 District. Miller Heath, Applicant.
9. 795 MAYNARD STREET: Conditional use to allow an EGD sign in a residential district. R-2 District. Sign Store/Mike Lewis, Applicant.
10. 324 COWAN STREET: Variance in distance requirements to other billboards and National Register districts to allow a multi-message billboard, C-4 District.
11. 795 MAYNARD STREET: Variance in distance requirements from a residential structure for an EGD sign, R-2 District. Sign Store/Mike Lewis, Applicant