P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


05/28/2019 Hearing Agenda

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The Tuesday, May 28, 2019 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission was held in the MBPZ Conference Room, Terminal Station. The hearing began at 1:30 p.m.

1. 00545 Key Street | Variance | in lot frontage requirements | R-2 District | Paul R. Kelley, applicant | Ratified |  Approved (Rogers 1st, Patel 2nd)

2. 00900 Pio Nono Ave | Conditional use | to allow a lounge/event space with alcohol sales | A-Agricultural District | Elyse Coats, applicant | Denied (Rogers 1st, Jones 2nd)

3. 01676 Bass Road | Conditional use | Revision to a previously approved site plan to allow a multi-restaurant building | PDE District | Ray Fordham & Company, applicant. Approved. (Comm. Rogers 1st, Comm Patel 2nd).

4. 06123/06125 Houston Road | Rezoning | Proposal to rezone from R-1AAA, Single-Family Residential District to C-1 Neighborhood Commercial District |The purpose of this rezoning is to allow for funeral home and chapel | George Greer, applicant. Approved and work with staff on revise plans.  (Comm. Rogers 1st, Comm. Patel 2nd)

06123/06125 Houston Road | Conditional use | to allow a funeral home with chapel | R-1AAA District , [C-1 Pending] | George Greer, applicant. Approved and to work with staff on revise plans.  (Comm. Rogers 1st, Comm. Jones 2nd)

6. 08943 Eisenhower Pkwy | Conditional use | to allow a manufactured home | A-Agricultural District | Kellie F. Jarriel, applicant Ratified. Approved, (Comm. Rogers 1st, Patel, 2nd)

7. 06374 Zebulon Road| Conditional use | to allow a a new commercial building (package store) | PDE District | Widner & Associates, applicant  Ratified. Approved, (Comm. Rogers, 1st, Patel 2nd)