P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


06/27/2022 Hearing

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The Monday, June 27th Macon-Bibb County Zoning Commission’s hearing will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the MBPZ Conference Room at the Terminal Station, Third Floor. [via Google Maps]

Commissioners will hold an administrative pre-hearing meeting at noon in the same location. Both meetings are open to the public–no testimony will be received during the administrative meeting.

If you intend to testify on an agenda item being reviewed, you must register to be called for your time to speak. Sign in at the front desk before the hearing or pre-register online now. Pre-registration deadline is Friday 3:00 p.m. before the Zoning Hearing.

We ask you to review our Hearing Procedures & Protocols before attending an MBPZ Zoning Hearing.

Administrative meeting agenda (begins at noon)

1.    Call to order
2.    Staff review of agenda items with Commissioners
3.    New Business
▸ Financials
▸ MATS/MPO Report
4.    Old Business
5.    Adjourn administrative meeting

06/27/2022 | 1:30 pm | Hearing Agenda


1. 05850 McKinley Dr | Conditional use | to allow a mixed-use residential development (single-family detached and attached (138 units), PDE District | Steven Rowland, Rowland Engineering, applicant

2. 05986 Moseley Dixon Rd | Conditional use | to allow revisions to a previously approved site plan/subdivision, PDR District | Steven Rowland, Rowland Engineering, applicant

3. 06300 Moseley Dixon Rd | Conditional use | to allow revisions to a previously approved site plan/subdivision, PDR District | Steven Rowland, Rowland Engineering, applicant

4. 8360 Hawkinsville Rd/9011 Feagin Rd | Rezoning | from A-Agricultural District to M-1 Wholesale and Light Industrial District to allow a similar zoning designation with the adjacent lot | Gary Wilson, Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority, applicant

5. 00892 Elm St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modifications, HPD-BH District | Alicia Encalade, Alicia E Consulting Group, applicant | DEFERRED TO 7/5 MEETING

6. 01408 Forsyth St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow demolition of a building, HC District | Jim Rollins, Applicant. Deferred By Applicant

7. 03585 Overlook Rd | Variance (lot size) | in lot width to allow two lots, R-1AA District | Hamidulla Sodagar & Banu, Sodargar Razia, Applicant. Withdrawn By Applicant

8. 03585 Overlook Rd | Variance (setbacks) | in setback requirements, R-1AA District | Hamidulla Sodagar & Banu, Sodargar Razia, Applicant. Deferred to 7/11/2022 hearing


9. 00191 Hines Terr | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modifications, HPD-BD District | Cassidy & Alexander Mims, applicant. | Recommended for ratification

10. 00400 Poplar St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for sign design and placement, CBD-1 District | Morgan Ballew, The Sign Store Macon, applicant | Recommended for ratification

11. 01181 Columbus St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modifications, HR-3 District | Christopher Haun, Historic Macon, applicant | Recommended for ratification

12. 01388 Calhoun St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow landscape changes for a fence, HPD-BH District | Rachel Goodman, applicant | Recommended for ratification

13. 01630 Eisenhower Pkwy | Conditional use | to allow self-storage mini-warehouse within an existing structure, C-2 District | Taylor Broun, Atty for John Heisler, applicant | Recommended for ratification

V. Adjourn

Next Macon-Bibb County Zoning Commission’s hearing: July 11th, 2022