P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


07/06/2020 Design Review Board Agenda

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The Monday, July 6, 2020 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Design Review Board will be will be held online beginning at 4:00 p.m.

To view the Design Review Board meeting go to MBPZ’s YouTube Channel (Please note: DRB board members, applicants & meeting speakers will receive Zoom access credentials via email.)

Approval of June 15, 2020 meeting minutes

00162 Corbin Ave | Certificate of Appropriateness | design approval for construction of garage, HR-1 District | V. Paul Brancato, applicant

00218 Orange St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modification, HR-2 District | Margaret A. Wineland, applicant

0527 D T Walton Sr Way | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modifications to facade, CBD-1 District | Capricorn Investments Group, LLC., applicant

00567 Second St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for approval of design and materials of a hotel, CBD-1 District | John Crow/Five Fifty Five, LLC, applicant

00925 Park Pl | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow landscape changes and new construction, HR-2 District | Watson Argo/Argo Moore Landscapes, applicant