P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


08/13/2018 Hearing Agenda

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The Monday, August 13, 2018 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission will be held in the MBPZ Conference Room, Terminal Station 200 Cherry Street, Suite 300 beginning at 1:30 p.m. Administrative pre-meeting begins at noon.

Approval of July 23rd, 2018 meeting minutes

00323 Buford Place:  | Certificate of Appropriateness | Ratified | to allow design approval of exterior modifications, HR-1 District.  Susan A. Long/James Bodell, Applicant 

01047 Martin Luther King Jr.: | Conditional use | to allow garage, with auto sales and barbed wire, C-2 District.  Betty Schiermeister, Applicant

01502 (1544) Rocky Creek Road: | Conditional use | to allow allied health training facility, C-4 District.  The Phlebotomy Institute of Middle Ga/Elizabeth McLane, Applicant

02154 Tucker Road: | Rezoning | Proposal to rezone from R-3, Multi-Family Residential District to C-4 Highway Commercial District.  The purpose of this rezoning is to allow for grocery anchored shopping center. JWA Ventures II, LLC., Applicant

02700 Northside Drive:  | Variance | Withdrawn by staff | in setback requirements, C-1 District.  Joel Kennedy/Bolingbroke Rivoli Road LLC., Applicant. Withdrawn by staff 

04401 Hartley Bridge Road: | Conditional use | to allow new construction of an auto parts store and variance in signage requirements to allow a second freestanding sign, C-4 District.  Auto Zone Inc./Carl Helton, Applicant

05429 Bowman Road: | Conditional use | to allow a drive-thru ATM, PDE District.  Synovous Financial Corporation/Chase Carlisle, Applicant

05591/5581/5571/5561 Thomaston Road: | Conditional use | to allow a shopping center, C-4 District. (Associated with 2154 Tucker Road)  JWA Ventures II, LLC/Evan Conder, Applicant

Old Business

00883 MULBERRY STREET: Conditional use to allow multi-family apartments (4 units), HR-3 District.  883 Mulberry, LLC., Applicant

01540 Bass Road: | Conditional use | to allow revision to a previously approved site plan, PDE District. Triple Point Engineering/Dan Wallace, Applicant