P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


1/23/2023 Hearing Agenda

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The Monday, January 23rd Macon-Bibb County Zoning Commission’s hearing will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the MBPZ Conference Room at the Terminal Station, Third Floor. [via Google Maps]

Commissioners will hold an administrative pre-hearing meeting at noon in the same location. Both meetings are open to the public–no testimony will be received during the administrative meeting.

If you intend to offer testimony on an agenda item being reviewed, you need to register to be called for your time to speak. Sign in at the front desk prior to the hearing. We ask you to review our Hearing Procedures & Protocols before attending an MBPZ Zoning Hearing.
Administrative meeting agenda (begins at noon)
  1. Call to order
  2. Staff review of agenda items with Commissioners
  3. New Business
  4. Old Business
  5. Adjourn administrative meeting
III. Consent Agenda
  1. Parcel Number Q074-0418 | 496 Second St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for exterior modification of windows | CBD-1 District | Susan Hammock, applicant
  2. Parcel Number R073-0197 | 566 Walnut St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for design approval of landscape changes | CBD-1 District | George Boone Smith IV, applicant
  3. Parcel Number Q073-0330 | 619 College St | Rezoning | Rezoning from HR-3 to HPD to allow upscale Inn | HR-3 | Michael and Carrie Genzel Rivellino, applicant | Withdrawn by Applicant
    IV. Public Comment
    V. Regular Agenda
  4. Parcel Number K008-0108 | 4528 Cavalier Dr | Conditional Use | to allow a re-entry facility | PDM (PDE) District | Joycelyn Adams/AmirCola New Beginnings Second Chance, LLC, applicant
  5. Parcel Number M130-0067 | 4050 Jones Rd | Variance | in distance requirements to allow a barn with livestock | A District | Ashley Fisher/Windsor Academy, applicant
  6. Parcel Number W090-0155 | 917 Joe Tamplin Industrial Blvd | Conditional Use | to allow cold storage warehouse exceeding 35 ft with a rail spur | M-2 District | John Ripple/Agile Cold Storage, applicant
  7. Parcel Number Q074-0171 | 682 Mulberry St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for design approval of new construction for offices and outdoor events and worship center | CBD-1 District | Trey Wood, AIA, applicant
  8. Parcel Number P074-0599 | 1343 Carling Ave | Conditional Use | to allow a rooming house | R-3 District | Joshua Hale/Recovery Under the Healer, Inc., applicant
  9. Parcel Number H005-0008 | 6601 Zebulon Rd | Conditional Use | to allow revisions to a previously approved site plan and expansion of supportive living home | PDE District | Wimberly Treadwell, applicant
  10. Parcel Numbers K008-0162 & K008-0006 | 4521 & 4555 Cavalier Dr | Conditional Use | to allow a manufacturing/ distribution logistics center | PDE District | Steven Rowland, Rowland Engineering, applicant
  11. Parcel Number Q082-0266 | 985 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd | Rezoning | to rezone from M-1 to CBD-2 to allow lofts | M-1 District | David Cohen, applicant

Next Macon-Bibb County Zoning Commission’s hearing: February 13th, 2023