P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


10/12/2020 Hearing Agenda

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The Monday, October 12, 2020 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission will be held in the MBPZ Conference Room, Terminal Station | 200 Cherry Street, Suite 300 beginning at 1:30 p.m. The administrative meeting begins at noon.
  • Social distancing rules apply.
  • Limited seating available.
  • Fever checks & masks are required for admittance & attendance.

If you will be speaking to the Zoning Commission, you will need sign-in at the front desk before the hearing. You can preregister online up until Thursday 1:30pm prior to the hearing.

Go to MBPZ’s YouTube Channel to view the live stream.

 (If joining remotely: Commission board members, applicants & meeting speakers will receive Zoom access credentials via email the day of the hearing.)

Administrative meeting agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Review of Agenda Items
  3. New Business
  4. Old Business
  5. Adjourn

Hearing Agenda

1. 00145 Cold Creek Pkwy | Conditional use | to allow change in architectural plans from those previously approved, PDE District | Please note: this agenda item includes 00145 Cold Creek Pkwy and other lots in The Highlands as shown on application documents | WJH Century Complete/Cliff Niederpruem, applicant

2. 00250 Sky Hawk Ln | Conditional use | to allow change in architectural plans from those previously approved, R-1AAA District | WJH Century Complete/Cliff Niederpruem, applicant

3. 00504 Kinsale Ct | Conditional use |  to allow change in architectural plans from those previously approved, R-1AAA District |  | Please note: this agenda item includes 00504 Kinsale Ct and other lots within Kinsale as shown on submitted map | WJH Century Complete/Cliff Niederpruem, applicant

4. 01060 Brookford Rd | Variance |  to increase maximum lot coverage, R-1A District | Elizabeth Pogue, applicant | moved to ratification 

5. 01182 Calhoun St | Certificate of Appropriateness |  to allow exterior modifications and fence, HPD-BH District | Will Stanford, BTBB Architects, applicant | moved to ratification 

6. 02074 Forest Hill Rd | Conditional use | revision to conditions of approval from 6-22-2020, R-3 District | Plagerman Architecture, LLC, applicant

7. 02476 Allen Rd | Rezoning | from M-1, Wholesale and Light Industrial District to M-2, Industrial District to allow addition of butane tanks | South Florida Materials Corp d/b/a Vecenergy, applicant

8. 02476 Allen Rd | Conditional use | to allow addition of butane tanks for liquid petroleum distribution terminal, M-1 District [M-2 pending] | South Florida Material Corp d/b/a Vecenergy, applicant

9. 04026 I-475 Industrial Blvd | Conditional use |  to allow ammunition manufacturing, PDE District | Viorel Barta/Load Up Ammunition, applicant | moved to ratification 

10. 06050 Harrison Rd | Conditional use | to allow event center, C-4 District | Jon’Riquez Grayer/Official Business Venue, applicant

11. 07738 Lower Thomaston Rd | Variance |  to allow swimming pool closer than 10FT to property line, R-1AAA District | Matt Widner/Widner & Associates, Inc., applicant | moved to ratification