P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


10/26/2020 Hearing Agenda

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The Monday, October 26, 2020 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission will be held in person in the MBPZ Conference Room, Terminal Station | 200 Cherry Street, Suite 300 beginning at 1:30 p.m. The administrative meeting begins at noon.

  • Social distancing rules apply.
  • Limited seating available.
  • Fever checks & masks are required for admittance & attendance.

If you will be speaking to the Zoning Commission, you will need sign-in at the front desk before the hearing. You can preregister online up until Thursday 1:30pm prior to the hearing.

Go to MBPZ’s YouTube Channel to view the live stream.

 (If joining remotely: Commission board members, applicants & meeting speakers will receive Zoom access credentials via email the day of the hearing.)

Administrative meeting agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Review of Agenda Items
  3. New Business
  4. Old Business
  5. Adjourn

Hearing Agenda

00885 Lower Poplar St | Rezoning | from M-2, Heavy Industrial to A, Agricultural to allow a single-family residence | Walker Clay and Timber, LLC/George Greer, applicant

01125 Walnut St | Certificate of Appropriateness |  to allow monument sign, HR-3 District | Robert Davis, applicant | moved to ratification 

02710 Walnut Creek Rd | Conditional use |  with variance to allow daycare center, C-1 District | Renee’ M Solomon/Brilliant Academy of Minds, LLC., applicant | moved to ratification 

03369 Hamlin Rd | Variance |  to allow flag lot, A-Ag District | Tamara Long, applicant | moved to ratification 

05020 Mercer University Dr | Conditional use |  to allow sales and service of outdoor power equipment, PDE District | Stan Eversole, applicant | moved to ratification 

05560 Houston Rd | Rezoning | from A, Agricultural District to C-2, General Commercial to allow self-storage | Carter Engineering Group/Storage Masters, Inc., applicant

05560 Houston Rd | Conditional use | to allow 218 self-storage units including vehicle storage, Ag District [C-2 pending] | Carter Engineering Group/Storage Masters, Inc., applicant

05811 Zebulon Rd | Conditional use | to allow restaurant with pick-up window, PDE District | Cunningham & Company/Cleve Cunningham, applicant

06265 Hawkinsville Rd | Conditional use | to allow overnight parking and storage for semi’s, RV’s and more, M-1 District | Veronica Ragan & Don Hultz, applicant