MBPZ | Results Summary for 09/11 & 09/25 Combined Hearing
The Monday, September 11, 2017 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission was canceled due to inclement weather and items on that agenda were heard at the Monday, SEPTEMBER 25, 2017 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission, which was held in the Macon-Bibb Government Center, Commission Chambers, 700 Poplar Street, Beginning at 1:53 p.m. (Please Note This was A Change of Venue From The Regular Location of The Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission Hearing)
The Pre-meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission will be held in the 10th Floor Conference Room, located in the Willie C. Hill City Hall Annex, 682 Cherry Street, beginning at 12:10 p.m. The purpose of the pre-meeting was to discuss administrative business and to obtain information from staff regarding scheduled agenda items.
Approval of August 28, 2017 minutes: The minutes for the August 28th hearing and pre-meeting were approved as submitted. (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
September 11, 2017 Agenda:
- 3258/3260 JEFFERSONVILLE ROAD: Conditional use to allow a nightclub with live entertainment and food service, C-2 District. Shirley Stokes/Eddie Thomas, Applicant. NO ACTION TAKEN. DEFERRED BY COMMISSION
- 2790 VINEVILLE AVENUE: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of roof, porch and to remove trees, HR-1 District. Jay Strong, Applicant. NO ACTION TAKEN. DEFERRED BY COMMISSION
- 3408 HOLLINGSWORTH ROAD: In violation of Section 4.11 [2] of the Comprehensive Land Development Resolution – privacy fence taller than 4ft in the front yard. Willie Simmons, Applicant. NO ACTION TAKEN. DEFERRED BY COMMISSION TO GIVE APPLICANT TIME TO MEET WITH STAFF AND BRING FENCE INTO COMPLIANCE OR APPLY FOR A VARIANCE
- An amendment to Chapter 27A of the Comprehensive Land Development Resolution for the City of Macon and Bibb County, Georgia regarding parking of vehicles on lawns visible from public rights of way. Vineville Neighborhood Association/Lars Anderson, Applicant. NO ACTION TAKEN. DEFERRED BY COMMISSION
- 1415 BASS ROAD: Conditional use to allow a funeral home, PDE District. Triple Point Engineering, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Jones, 2nd Patel)
- 300 CODY DRIVE/200 GOODALL MILL ROAD: Conditional use to allow revisions to a previously approved site plan, R-1AAA District. Steven Rowland, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Scott, 2nd Patel)
- 1042 MAPLE STREET: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval to remove a tree, HPD-BH District. Sabrina L. Cox, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions (1st Easom, 2nd Scott) RATIFIED
- 1357/1369 TELFAIR STREET: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of a single-family dwelling, HPD-BH District. Cass Hatcher, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions (1st Easom, 2nd Scott) RATIFIED
- 454 TERMINAL AVENUE/340 & 310 SIXTH STREET: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of site and exterior modifications, CBD-1 District. Widner & Associates, Inc., Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions (1st Easom, 2nd Scott) RATIFIED
- 243 BUFORD PLACE: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of porch railings, HR-1 District. Chelsea Flieger, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions (1st Easom, 2nd Scott) RATIFIED
- 3975 WEST OAK DRIVE: Variance in setback requirements to allow an accessory building, PDR District. Deldra Phillips, Applicant. NO ACTION TAKEN. DEFERRED BY APPLICANT
- 1285 WALNUT STREET: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of a freestanding sign, [17-21039]. John Chandler, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions(1st Easom, 2nd Scott) RATIFIED
September 25, 2017 Agenda
- 4995 SARDIS CHURCH ROAD & 6945, 6929, 6913 SKIPPER ROAD: Proposal to rezone from PDC, Planned Development Commercial District to M-1, Wholesale and Light Industrial District. The purpose of this rezoning is to bring the property into alignment with other MBCIA property for an industrial park. Macon-Bibb County Industrial Authority, Applicant. Approved ( 1st Scott, 2nd Patel)
- 3959/3944 NORTHSIDE DRIVE: Conditional use to allow a tunnel car wash, PDC District. Widner & Associates, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions ( 1st Scott, 2nd Patel)
- 2505/2531 ALLEN ROAD: Conditional use to allow a butane off load facility, M-1 District. Gavin Dinwoodie, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
- 1897 ALLEN ROAD: Conditional use to allow a manufacturing facility in excess of 35 FT in height, M-2 District. Irving Consumer Products, Inc./Carter & Sloope, Inc., Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions ( 1st Easom, 2nd Scott) RATIFIED
- 2811 VINEVILLE AVENUE: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow a rear screened in porch, fence and exterior modifications, HR-1 District. Jeremy Hammock, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions (1st Easom, 2nd Scott) RATIFIED
- 4172 WEST OAK DRIVE: Variance in setback requirements to allow a detached accessory structure, PDR Distric Veronica Spann, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions (1st Scott, 2nd Patel)
- 220 TOM HILL SR. BLVD/158 NORTHSIDE DRIVE: Variance to allow an increased ID sign with an EGD over 50SF, C-2 District. Sean King/Best Signs, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions ( 1st Scott, 2nd Patel)
- 8801 KNOXVILLE ROAD: Variance to allow an accessory structure within the front yard setback, A-Agriculture District. Scarlett Mathis, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions (1st Easom, 2nd Scott) RATIFIED
- 7091 HOUSTON ROAD: Conditional use to allow a manufactured home with decks [17-21169], A-Agriculture District. James R. Smith, Jr., Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions (1st Esom, 2nd Patel) RATIFIED
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