P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


Results Summary for July 23rd P&Z Hearing

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The Monday, July 23, 2018 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission was held in the MBPZ Conference Room, Terminal Station | 200 Cherry Street. The administrative pre-meeting began at noon, the hearing began at 1:30 p.m.

The minutes for the July 9, 2018 hearing and pre-meeting were approved as submitted. (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
1.      164 Franklin Street:  | Conditional Use | to allow art studio with gallery, storage and professional offices, HR-3 District.  Franklin Street, LLC., Applicant.  Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Scott, 2nd Patel)
2.      731 Orange Street/1160 Forsyth Street: | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow design approval of building addition, HC District.  Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ga (Scott Fry), Applicant. DEFERRED by DRB- No Action by Commission
3.      731 Orange Street/1160 Forsyth Street: | Conditional Use | to allow adjunct hospital facility and variance in parking requirements, HC District.  Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Ga (Scott Fry), Applicant. Conditonal use approved with Variance deferred until the design is revised and approved by DRB. (1st Easom, 2nd Jones)
4.      745 Poplar Street: | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow design approval of exterior modifications, CBD-1 District.  Sidney D. Haynes, Applicant. RATIFIED (1st Scott, 2nd Patel, Azar Recused)
5.      805 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd: | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow design approval of lofts apartments, CBD-2 District.  Azar Walsh Architects, Applicant. RATIFIED(1st Scott, 2nd Patel, Azar Recused)
6.      883 Mulberry Street: | Conditional Use | to allow multi-family apartments (4 units), HR-3 District.  883 Mulberry Street, LLC., Applicant. NO ACTION TAKEN – NO SHOW
7.      1090 Riverside Drive: | Conditional Use | to allow barbed wire, C-2 District.  Bobby Cramer, Applicant. NO ACTION TAKEN – NO SHOW
8.      1090 Riverside Drive: | Variance | in setback requirements to allow a fence, C-2 DistrictBobby Cramer, Applicant. NO ACTION TAKEN – NO SHOW
9.      1095 Pio Nono Ave: | Conditional Use | to allow a laundromat, HC District.  Kunj Patel, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Scott, 2nd Easom; Patel Recused)
10.  1259 Linden Avenue: | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow design approval of a garage/workshop, HR-3 District.  Susan & Frank Broome, Applicant. RATIFIED(1st Scott, 2nd Patel, Azar Recused)
11.  1278 Jeffersonville Road: | Conditional Use | to allow a place of assembly, C-4 District.  Revival of Power to Crusade Outreach Ministries, Applicant.  Approved with staff report conditions.  (1st Scott, 2nd Patel)
12.  1540 Bass Road: | Conditional Use | to allow revision to a previously approved site plan, PDE District.  Triple Point Engineering/Dan Wallace, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions and master plan must come back to the Commission for approval. (1st Jones, 2nd Patel; Azar and Easom Recused)
13.  5801 Zebulon Road: | Variance | in changeable copy sign size, PDE District.  Masstar Signs,  Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Scott, 2nd Patel)
14.  6300 Moseley Dixon Road: | Conditional Use | to allow revisions to a previously approved site plan, PDR District.  Rowland Engineering/Steven A. Rowland, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions and landscaped area of the apartment complex to be designated as a greenspace/common area or quit claimed to complex but not to be included in the parcel as shown on submitted site plan.  (1st Easom, 2nd Jones)
15.  6369 Thomaston Road: | Conditional Use | to allow a new self-storage facility (192 unit), c-store w/fuel sales and alcohol package-to-go, PDE District.  Kunj Construction, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
16.  7299 Moseley Dixon Road: | Variance | to allow five (5) lots not fronting a public right-of-way, R-1AAA District.  Seth Miller & Bobby Hartley, Applicant
17. 8094 Eisenhower Parkway: | Conditional Use | to allow small engine repair, PDE District.  Kunj Construction, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Scott, 2nd Jones; Patel Recused)
18.  9201 Hawkinsville Road: | Special Exception| to allow a retail smoke shop and novelty shop (adult book store), The Huntley Group, Inc., Applicant. WITHDRAWN- Associated rezoning application (#19) denied; therefore, the Commission could take no action on this application.
19.  9201 Hawkinsville Road: | Rezoning | Proposal to rezone from M-1, Wholesale and Light Industrial District to M-2, Heavy Industrial District.  The purpose of this rezoning is to allow for a smokehouse and adult novelty shop.  The Huntley Group, Inc., Applicant. DENIED (1st Scott, 2nd Jones)