P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


Results Summary for the April 9th, P&Z Hearing

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The Monday, April 9, 2018 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission was held in the 3rd Floor Conference Room, Terminal Station, Suite 300, 200 Cherry Street, beginning at 1:30 p.m.

Administrative pre-meeting began at noon.

The minutes of the March 26, 2018 hearing and pre-meeting were approved as submitted. (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)

Deferred from March 26, 2018 Meeting:
  1. 2025 Ward Street: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of the subdivision of one lot into two lots, HR-3 District.  Bonnie F. Hinson, dba BUBS, LLC., Applicant Ratified (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
  2. 423 Spring Street: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of exterior modifications, HR-2 District.  Miller Heath, Applicant  Ratified (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
Deferred from Previous Meetings:
  1. 5226 Ocmulgee East Blvd: Proposal to rezone from A-Agricultural District to C-4, Highway Commercial District. The purpose of this rezoning is to allow an event facility in an existing facility, Polar Squire, LLC.,/Jill Thompson, Applicant. Deferred (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
  2. 5226 Ocmulgee East Blvd: Conditional use to allow an event facility in an existing facility, A-Agricultural District [C-4 Pending].  Polar Squire, LLC, Applicant. Deferred (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
  1. 4173 Cavalier Drive: Proposal to rezone from C-2 District, General Commercial District to R-3 Multi-family Residential District/PDI, Planned Development District. The purpose of this rezoning is to allow for multi-family apartments. Houston Brown, Applicant Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Scott, 2nd Scott) Although approved, the decision is invalided due to lack of notice (signs were not posted on property). This will be re-heard on May 14, 2018.
Conditional Uses:
  1. 7687 Knoxville Road: Conditional use to allow a manufactured home with decks, A-Agricultural District. Deborah Holly Ferguson, Applicant. Ratified
  2. 1501 Mercer University Drive: Conditional use with variance to allow a soccer press box over 35 ft, R-3 District.  Pond & Company, Applicant. Ratified
  3. 4917 Mercer University Drive: Conditional use to allow auto repair with auto sales, PDE District. Darren Spicer, Applicant. Ratified
Certificate of Appropriateness:
  1. 1259 Linden Avenue: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of a garage/workshop, HR-3 District. Susan & Frank Broome, Applicant. Deferred by DRB
  1. 4914 Raley Road/5191 Eisenhower Pkwy: Variance to allow an EGD Panel larger than 50 sf, A-Agricultural District. Best Signs, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions ( 1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
  2. 4765 Riverside Drive: Variance to allow an EGD Panel larger than 50 sf, C-2 District.  Best Signs, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions (1st Scott, 2nd Easom)