03/25/2019 Hearing Results Summary
The Monday, March 25, 2019 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission was held in the MBPZ Conference Room, Terminal Station | 200 Cherry Street, Suite 300 beginning at 1:30 p.m.
Approval of March 11, 2019 minutes
1. 00153 Rogers Ave: | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow design approval of lot reconfiguration and wood privacy fence, HR-1 District. Scott Stradley, applicant | Moved to ratification| Conditional approval | Jones 1st, Patel 2nd
2. 00512 Poplar Street: | Conditional Use | to allow outdoor seating, CBD-1 District, Lee Clark/Kudzu Seafood Co., applicant. Conditional approval. (Scott 1st, Patel 2nd)
3. 00879 College Street Lane: | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow design approval of demolition of existing building, HR-3 District. Historic Macon Foundation, applicant | Moved to ratification | Conditional approval | Jones 1st, Patel 2nd
4. 01309 Sixth Street/1265 Sixth Street: | Conditional Use | to allow a recycling center, M-2 District. Eco Recycling Group, applicant| Conditional approval | Scott 1st, Patel 2nd
5. 01320 Jackson Street: | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow design approval of demolition of existing building, HPD-BH District. Historic Macon Foundation, applicant | Moved to ratification | Jones 1st, Patel 2nd
6. 01335 Jackson Street: | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow design approval of renovations, HPD-BH District. Historic Macon Foundation, applicant | Moved to ratification | Jones 1st, Patel 2nd
7. 01470 Calhoun Street: | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow design approval demolition of existing building, HPD-BH District. Historic Macon Foundation, applicant | Moved to ratification | Jones 1st, Patel 2nd
8. 01873 Hardeman Ave: | Conditional Use | to allow residential units (4) in an existing building, PDR District. Charles Minshew, applicant | Conditional approval | Scott 1st, Patel 2nd
9. 04111 Northside Drive: | Rezoning | Proposal to rezone from C-1, Neighborhood Commercial District to R-3, Multi-Family Residential District. The purpose of this rezoning is to allow for Multi-family Apartment Community. BFB General Partners, applicant | Conditional approval | Scott 1st, Patel 2nd – Jones Opposed)
10. 04111 Northside Drive: | Conditional Use | to allow a new multi-family complex, C-1 District [R-3 Pending], BFB General Partners, LLC., applicant| Conditional approval, with increasing undisturbed buffers to 50FT rear, and 20FT side | Scott 1st, Patel 2nd – Jones Opposed
11. 04182 Forsyth Road: | Conditional Use | to allow an “amphitheater, bat habitat, and raptor rehabilitation area” at an existing museum, R-1AAA District. David D. Thompson, applicant | Conditional approval | Scott 1st, Patel 2nd
12. 06785 Goodall Mill Road: | Conditional Use | to allow a single manufactured home, A-Agricultural District. Aurye J. McElhenney, applicant | Conditional approval | Scott 1st, Patel 2nd
13. 06785 Goodall Mill Road: | Conditional Use | to allow a single manufactured home as a second dwelling, A-Agricultural District. Aurye J. McElhenney/Tara McElhenney Hatten, applicant | Conditional approval | Scott 1st, Patel 2nd
14. 06785 Goodall Mill Road: | Variance | to plat property not fronting a public right-of-way, A-Agricultural District. Aurye J. McElhenney, applicant | Conditional approval | Scott 1st, Patel 2nd
15. 06790 Houston Road: | Conditional Use | to allow a new retail store (9,100 SF), PDC District. Josh Hufstetler/Teramore Development, applicant | Conditional approval | Jones 1st, Patel 2nd
16. 00108 North Haven Drive: | Appeal of Staff Decision | to allow a new fence within undisturbed buffer, PDR District | Russell Slack, applicant | Denied | 1st Jones, Scott 2nd
17. 03720 Riverside Drive: | Conditional Use | to allow a multi-message billboard, C-2 District | Walthall Oil/George Greer, applicant | No action on the conditional use. Automatic deferral since associated variance is deferred.
18. 03720 Riverside Drive: | Variance | in minimum structure setback requirements to allow a multi-message billboard, C-2 District | Walthall Oil/George Greer, applicant | Automatic deferral due to a lack of a majority vote | To be heard on 4-8-2019 | Jones and Easom opposed approval, Patel in favor of approval, Scott and Rogers absent.