06/14/2021 Hearing Results
The Monday, June 14th, meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission was held at the Macon-Bibb Government Center. The hearing began at 1:30 p.m. The administrative pre-meeting began at 12:00 p.m.
00592 Second St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modifications, CBD-1 District | Brent Meyer/On Adams Street LLC, applicant | Approved (Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)
00870 (844) Pio Nono Ave | Conditional use | to allow event facility and event planning office, C-1 District | Shannon Davis/Shans Shindigz, applicant | Approved ( Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)
00909 Second St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for design and materials of a wall l sign, CBD-2 District | Jennifer Smith/The Sign Store, applicant | Recommended for Ratification | Approved (Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)
00911 Patterson St | Conditional use | to allow an auto broker’s office, R-2 District | Alpha-Isaac Etheridge, applicant | Approved (Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)
04230 (4280,4292) Mercer University Dr | Conditional use | to allow c-store with fuel islands and package to go, C-1 District | Cleve Cunningham/Cunningham & Company Engineers, applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Bechtel 2nd)
04540 Cavalier Dr | Conditional use | to allow a office and warehouse development, PDE District | Steven Rowland/Rowland Engineers, applicant | Approved (Scott 1st, Bechtel 2nd)
05226 Ocmulgee East Blvd | Conditional use | to allow a multi-message billboard, PDC District | Polar Squire/Mark Buckland, applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Scott 2nd)
05297 Bloomfield Rd | Conditional use | to allow a daycare center, R-1A District | Jerneicey Brown, applicant | Approved ( Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)
05773 Arkwright Rd | Conditional use | to allow a professional office, PDC District | Steven Rowland/Rowland Engineers, applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Scott 2nd)