P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


05/24/2021 Hearing Results

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The Monday, May 24th, meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission was held at the Macon-Bibb Government Center. The hearing began at 1:30 p.m. The administrative pre-meeting began at 12:00 p.m.

  • Approval of minutes from previous zoning hearing
00869 Walnut St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow a fence and wall, CBD-2 District, Christopher Berry, applicant | Approved (Rogers 1st, Jones 2nd )

02545 Vineville Ave | Rezoning | from HR-1, Historic Residential District to HPD, Historic Planned Development to allow for an event space, Ryan Griffin/William Elliott Dunwody, applicant | Approved (Bechtel 1st, Rogers 2nd)

02918 Bloomfield Dr | Rezoning | from PDC, Planned Development Commercial District to PDR, Planned Development Residential District to allow twenty-six (26) single-family housing units for the elderly 62 or older | Cass Hatcher/River Edge Foundation, applicant | Approved ( Jones 1st, Rogers 2nd)

02918 Bloomfield Dr | Conditional use | to allow housing for the elderly, PDC District [PDR Pending], Cass Hatcher/River Edge Foundation, applicant (Approved (Jones 1st, Rogers 2nd ) Approved (Jones 1st, Rogers 2nd)

Items From Previous Hearings

00535 College St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow landscape modifications, HR-3 District | Laurie Fickling, applicant | Denied by DRB on 5/17/2021 – WITHDRAWN | applicant not present

4031 Fulton Mill Rd | Rezoning | from Ag-Agricultural District to PDE, Planned Development Extraordinary District | to allow a mixed use development | Larry Bielski, Macon Investment Holdings/Wendy Sherlock, Upward Construction, applicant | Denied (Rogers 1st, Jones 2nd)

04031 Fulton Mill Rd | Conditional use | to allow conceptual approval and final site plan approval of a 95-lot single-family subdivision, Ag-District [PDE Pending], Larry Bielski, Macon Investment Holdings/Wendy Sherlock, Upward Construction, applicant | Denied because Rezoning was denied