P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


12/09/2019 Hearing Results

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The Monday, December 9th, 2019, meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission was held in the MBPZ Conference Room. The hearing began at 1:30 p.m. The administrative pre-meeting began at noon.

1. R20-003 | A resolution of the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission to adopt procedural guidelines for hearings | approved (Rogers 1st, Scott 2nd )

2. 00383 Edgewater Dr | Variance | for building addition within the side yard setback requirements, R-1A District | Kai Lee Chang/Clayton Holt, applicant | deferred to 1-13-2020 (Rogers 1st, Scott 2nd)

3. 00598 Third St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for exterior modifications, CBD-1 District | ECI Contracting Group, Inc., applicant | deferred to 1-13-2020 (Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)

4. 02283 Clayton St | Conditional Use | for a continuation of a non-conforming use to allow a neighborhood  grocery, per Section 24.07 [5], HR-1 District | Terri Kusler, applicant | withdrawn by applicant

5. 04390 Interstate Dr | Conditional Use | to allow an electrical service company with variance in fencing requirements, PDI District | Piedmont Construction Group/Chris Clark, applicant | approved (Scott 1st, Patel 2nd)

6. 05101 Hartley Bridge Rd | Variance  19-21592 | to allow platting of property not fronting a public right-of-way, A-Agricultural District | Kristen Boggs/Cody Durden, applicant | approved (Scott 1st, Patel 2nd)

7. 05171 Bowman Rd | Rezoning | R-1AA, Single-Family Residential District to PDE, Planned Development Extraordinary District | for a mixed-use with assisted living facility | Braemar partners/Carter Engineering Group, applicant | deferred to 1-13-2020 (Scott 1st, Jones 2nd)

8. 05801/5811 Zebulon Rd | Conditional Use | to allow restaurant with drive-thru, PDE District | Cunningham & Company/Cleve Cunningham, applicant | deferred to 1-13-2020 (Scott 1st, Jones 2nd)

9. 06150 Old Forsyth Rd | Conditional Use | to allow an event center, A-Agricultural District | Belle Lieu – Ronda L. Sawyer, applicant | deferred by staff 

Items from November 12th, 2019 Hearing

10. 01400 Bass Rd | Conditional use | for an office park with retail commercial uses, PDE District | Cunningham & Co., Inc., applicant | revision to site plan denied; grading and retaining wall approved (Scott 1st, Rogers 2nd)