09/08/2020 (Tuesday) Design Review Board Agenda
The Tuesday, September 8, 2020, meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Design Review Board will be held online via Zoom beginning at 4:00 p.m. If you wish to make comments on an item to the Board, please register in advance by emailing [email protected].
For those not taking part, the meeting will be live streaming at MBPZ’s YouTube Channel beginning at 4:30 pm.
(Please Note: DRB members, applicants & meeting speakers will receive Zoom access credentials via email.)
Approval of August 17, 2020 meeting minutes
00261 College St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow installation of fence and gates, HR-3 District | Julie Groce, applicant
00927 Edgewood Ave | Certificate o Appropriateness | to allow demolition of structure, HPD-BH District | Shannon Fickling/Historic Macon Foundation, applicant
02370 Vineville Ave | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow for exterior modifications and signage, HR-3 District | Chris Sims, Interim Healthcare, applicant
Item deferred from 08/17/2020 Design Review Board Meeting
00071 Spring St | Certificate of Appropriateness | to allow exterior modifications, CBD-2 District | Venkat Sajeev, applicant