P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


09/16/2019 Design Review Board Agenda

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The Monday, September 16, 2019 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Design Review Board will be held in the MBPZ Conference Room beginning at 4:00 p.m.

Approval of September 3, 2019 meeting minutes

1. 00446 Cotton Ave | Certificate of Appropriateness | for exterior modifications, CBD-1 District | New Town Macon, applicant

2. 00544 Mulberry St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for exterior modifications, CBD-1 District | New Town Macon, applicant

3. 00567 Plum St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for exterior modifications, CBD-1 District | Kaitlynn Kressin/Ricky Fuller, applicant

4. 00596 Cherry St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for exterior modifications/renovations, CBD-1 District | Bob Brown/BTBB Architects

5. 01261 Jefferson Terr | Certificate of Appropriateness | for landscape modifications/renovations, HR-3 District |  Daly Smith Architect, LLC, applicant