4/24/2023 Hearing Agenda
The Monday, April 24th Macon-Bibb County Zoning Commission’s hearing will be held at 1:30 p.m. in the MBPZ Conference Room at the Terminal Station, Third Floor. [via Google Maps]
Commissioners will hold an administrative pre-hearing meeting at noon in the same location. Both meetings are open to the public–no testimony will be received during the administrative meeting.
If you intend to offer testimony on an agenda item being reviewed, you need to sign in for your time to speak. You can sign in at the kiosk located by the doors of the MBPZ Conference Room. The deadline to sign in is 1:30 p.m. before the Zoning Hearing. We ask you to review our Hearing Procedures & Protocols before attending an MBPZ Zoning Hearing.
Administrative meeting agenda (begins at noon)
- Call to order
- Staff review of agenda items with Commissioners
- New Business
- Old Business
- Adjourn administrative meeting
MBPZ Commission Hearing (begins at 1:30)
I. Call to order
- Commission Announcement
- Oath
- Roll Call
II. Approve the previous hearing minutes [LINK]
III. Changes to the Agenda
IV. Commission Agenda items
V. Consent Agenda
- Parcel Number Q082-0023 | 664 Second St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for exterior lighting | CBD-2 District | David Thompson, Applicant
- Parcel Number Q074-0252 | 423 Orange St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for landscape modifications (tree removal) | HR-3 District | Kyle Davis, Applicant
- Parcel Number Q082-0027 | 537 Pine St | Certificate of Appropriateness | for exterior modifications and signage | CBD-1 District | Kit Andrews, Applicant | Tabled to May 1st
- Parcel Number P071-0295 | 111 Buford Pl | Certificate of Appropriateness | for exterior modifications and landscaping (tree removal) | HR-1 District | Alexander Wright, Applicant | Tabled to June 19th
- Parcel Number O092-0299 | 2525 Pio Nono Ave | Conditional Use | to allow a commercial parking lot for semi-trucks and trailers | PDE/PDM District | Joe Sabbagh/Ultimate Realty LLC, Applicant | Deferred by Staff to May 8th
- Parcel Number P120-0351 & P120-0046 | 5900 & 5924 Hawkinsville Rd | Conditional Use | to allow a commercial parking lot for semi-trucks and trailers | M-1 District | Ray Nestlehutt/ Interstate IOS, LLC, Applicant | Withdrawn by applicant
VI. Regular Agenda
- Parcel Number P140-0074 | 7431 Industrial Hwy | Conditional Use | to allow a commercial parking lot for semi trucks and trailers | M-1 District | Tony Widner, Widner & Associates, Applicant
- Parcel Number K008-0037 | 5140 Mercer University Dr | Conditional Use | to allow a convenience store without fuel sales | PDI District | Shaun Sutton, Applicant
- Parcel Number Q073-0068 | 1389 Jefferson St | Conditional Use | to allow a professional office and co-working space | R-3 District | BTBB Architects, Applicant
- Parcel Number L094-0198 | 4260 Nisbet Pl | Rezoning | Rezone from R-1A to PDR for existing housing development | R-1A District | Kathleen Matthews/Macon-Bibb County Housing Authority, Applicant
- Parcel Number L094-0198 | 4260 Nisbet Pl | Conditional Use | to allow a community center and amenity area for an existing housing development | PDR pending rezoning approval | Kathleen Matthews/Macon-Bibb County Housing Authority, Applicant
- Parcel Number N140-0004 | 3400 Walden Rd | Rezoning | Rezone from A to R-1AAA to allow a 164 lot single-family detached residential subdivision | A District | Steven Rowland/Rowland Engineering, Inc., Applicant
VII. New Business
VIII. Old Business
IX. Adjourn