P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


Results Summary from June 11th P&Z Hearing

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The Monday, June 11, 2018 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning and Zoning Commission was held in the 3rd Floor Conference Room, Terminal Station, Suite 300, 200 Cherry Street, beginning at 1:30 p.m. The administrative pre-meeting began at noon.

The minutes for the May 29, 2018 hearing and pre-meeting were approved as submitted. (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)

Deferred from Previous Hearing:

A. 1089 Rose Place:  Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval to demolish structure and landscape, HR-3 District.  Mt. DeSales Academy/Chris R. Sheridan, Applicant.  Ratified.  Approved with staff report conditions (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)

B. 740 Mulberry Street:  Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of façade modification, CBD-1 District.  RC Poss Construction, Applicant. Ratified.  Approved with staff report conditions (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)

C. 633 Arlington Place: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of a new single-family dwelling, HR-3 District.  John Losey, Applicant. Ratified.  Approved with staff report conditions (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)

Conditional Uses:
  1. 4635 Hartley Bridge Road: Conditional use to allow a convenience store with fuel sale and alcohol package-to-go, PDE District. Win Development/Jesse McInerney, Applicant. Deferred by staff until June 25, 2018 -no action by the Commission
  2. 3063 Napier Avenue: Conditional use to allow auto sales, C-2 District. Felix Lopez, Applicant.  Approved with staff report conditions.  Approved with staff report conditions and only allowed 5 cars maximum. (1st Scott, 2nd Easom).
  3. 6405/6389 Zebulon Road: Conditional use to allow a mini-warehouse & carwash, PDE District. Cunningham & Company Engineers, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Scott, 2nd Easom)
  4. 4401 Hartley Bridge Road: Conditional use to allow new construction of an auto parts store, C-4 District. Auto Zone Inc. /Carl Helton, Applicant. Deferred by staff until June 25, 2018 – no action by the Commission
 Certificate of Appropriateness:
  1. 110 Desoto Place: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of tree removal, HR-1 District. Donna K. English/Derrick Catlett, Applicant. Ratified. Approved with staff report conditions (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
  2. 3759 Vineville Avenue: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of signage, R-2 District.  The Sign Store, Applicant. Ratified. Withdrawn by staff prior to meeting – no action by Commission
  3. 167 Holmes Avenue: Certificate of Appropriateness to allow design approval of tree removal, HR-1 District. Ratified. Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
  1. 3018 South Lizella Road/2982 Central Street:  Variance in lot width at building line, A-Agricultural District.  Thomas & Britney Holloway, Applicant. Ratified. Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Easom, 2nd Scott)
  2. 635 Shurling Drive (aka 627): Variance in distance between a changeable copy sign and residential structure, C-4 District. Damon Slagle/U.S. Innovate, Applicant. Approved with staff report conditions. (1st Scott, 2nd Easom)
  3. 4401 Hartley Bridge Road: Variance in sign requirements to allow a second freestanding sign, C-4 District. Auto Zone Inc./Carl Helton, Applicant. Deferred by staff until June 25, 2018 – no action by the Commission
  1. 118 Alex Bailey Court: In violation of Section 23.01 [3] of the Comprehensive Land Development Resolution – operating a vehicle/ATV/Kart sales and repair at a residence, R-1AA District. Derrick Stiles.  It was determined that this is not a violation and activity does not constitute a business.  (1st Scott, 2nd Easom)
  2. 3117 O’hara Drive North: In violation of Section 23.01 [5] of the Comprehensive Land Development Resolution – operating a convenience store at residence, R-1A District. Franklin/Dorothy Smith. Deferred by staff until June 25, 2018 -no action by the Commission