P & Z

Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission


04/12/2021 Hearing Agenda

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The Monday, April 12, 2021 meeting of the Macon-Bibb County Planning & Zoning Commission will be held in the Macon-Bibb Government Center, 700 Poplar Street [map] beginning at 1:30 p.m. The administrative pre-hearing meeting will be held in the Mayor’s Conference Room beginning at noon.
    • Social distancing rules apply.
    • Limited seating available.
    • Fever checks & masks are required for admittance & attendance.

If you will be speaking to the Zoning Commission, you will need sign-in at the door before the hearing. You can preregister online up until Monday 11:30am prior to the hearing.

The Hearing will be video streaming at MBPZ’s YouTube Channel.

Administrative meeting agenda

  1. Call to order
  2. Review of Agenda Items
  3. New Business
  4. Old Business
  5. Adjourn

Hearing Agenda

1. 00111, 00115 Lochwolde Dr 208, 210, 212, 214, 216, 218, 220, 240, 242, 246, 248, 250, 252 York Lane  | Conditional use |  to allow change to architectural design of previously approved cluster subdivision, PDE District | Charlotte Booke/WJH, Century Complete, Applicant | deferred  

2. 00197 Bass Rd | Rezoning | from R-1AAA, Single-Family Residential District to C-1, Neighborhood Commercial District to allow an medical/professional office & light commercial | Manisha Patel/Jennie Barfield, PE, applicant |

3. 0600 N. Lamar Rd | Conditional use | to allow a multi-family housing complex, PDE District, Joe Johnson / B.F.B. General Partners, LLC., applicant |

4. 00738 Fieldstone Dr | Variance |  in lot width to allow a second dwelling, Ag-District | Franco DeMichiel, applicant | recommended for ratification  

5. 00738 Fieldstone Dr | Conditional use  |  to allow a second dwelling, Ag-District | Franco DeMichiel, applicant | recommended for ratification  

6. 00830 High St | Conditional use |  to allow a  business entrepreneur incubator in an existing office building, HC District | Wimberly Treadwell, applicant | recommended for ratification 

7. 01029 Ash St | Certificate of Appropriateness |  to allow single-family dwelling, HPD-BH District | Tripp Glawson, applicant | recommended for ratification 

8. 03390 Pio Nono Ave | Conditional use |  to allow auto sales, C-4 District | Ramesh Vaddi, Applicant | recommended for ratification 

9. 03555 Mercer University Dr | Conditional use |  to allow an event center, C-2 District, Genita Knox, applicant | recommended for ratification 

10. 07207 Houston Rd | Variance |  to reduce lot width at minimum building setback to 30FT, R-1AAA District | Jack Durden, applicant | recommended for ratification 

11. 07690 Thomaston Rd | Conditional use |  to allow a personal care home, Ag-District, Wardell Patterson, applicant | Withdrawn by applicant  

Items From Previous Hearings

12. 00320, 334 & 342 Hydrolia St/00310, 328 & 334 Main St | Certificate of Appropriateness |  to allow design approval of site, design and materials to allow shopping center includes demolition of 2 structures,  CBD-2 District | Ashok Patel/Kunj Construction, applicant | Deferred by Applicant 

13. 00320, 334 and 342 Hydrolia St/00310, 328 and 334 Main St | Conditional use |  to allow a shopping center, CBD-2 District | Ashok Patel/Kunj Construction, applicant | Deferred by Applicant  

14. 005250 Sardis Church Rd | Rezoning | from Ag, Agricultural District to M-1, Wholesale and Light Industrial District to allow a truck stop with fuel stations, convenience store, repair shop, and out parcels | Stephen Galbraith/DG Development Partners, LLC/Carl Fisher/Foresite Group, Inc., applicant

15. 02271 Bonner Gilbert Rd | Conditional use |  to allow a manufactured home, A-Ag District | Joseph M. Jernigan, applicant | Withdrawn by the applicant